Saturday 22 November 2008

The end is in sight

There are now only three sessions left before the beginners class will come to an end and we have now reached the 'consolidation phase' of our learning.
We all try to string together the individual moves we've learned in previous classes, perfecting them in the process and then trying to speed up with the faster beat of the music.
Over and over again the teachers point out the importance of the 'man leading' and at this stage although I can appreciate it I am unable to implement it in any particular shape or form - there are clearly still limits on what has been learned but that is fine.
So what were the expectations and what has been learned?
Admittedly from the outset I would not have learned Salsa dancing without the formal requirement of the MSc course module - which clearly points to extrinsic motivation for getting started. This fact however has been adjusted by the fact that the entire experience has been a positive one, the relaxation part, the socialising element of it, the good music and the achievements observed, even if they may appear miniscule at this stage.
A noticeable shift towards intrinsic motivation of dancing in general and Salsa dancing in particular is now detectable and evidence for this comes from me enrolling on another dancing class (on another day), this time in 'ballroom dancing' and there is also a likelihood of moving up to Salsa intermediate level in the new year.
This does not necessarily mean though that I have become an autonomous learner (as I am for example in Djembe drumming) but at least it will point in this direction.
And this in itself is not a mean feat.

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