Saturday 25 October 2008

Session 6 and half-time

I've entered this session with confidence - after all I managed to practice some of the moves back home using some Salsa tunes. Surely all I need to do is basic recall combined with sense of rhythm.

However this session turned out to be quite different. Tis time the tutor put up some fast and furious Salsa rhythms which we've never danced to before. It daunted to me that this is the real speed in which Salsa is actully practised and a demo at the end did confirm my suspicion.
During the class this created a serious problem in that I (and others) had extreme difficultes in squeezing our moves within the beats of the music; getting out of the rhythm and trying to get back into repeatedly wasn't my sense of fun. Because everything needed to be rushed there was also the odd untidyness of the moves creeping into the dancing.
Progress was slow and at times frustrating but towards the end I managed to get a glimps of some aspects of higher level Salsa dancing:
  • that the man is in control and must lead the partner into the variations
  • getting the moves into the rhythm pattern for more than a few seconds does create a sense of 'flow', an experience not too dissimilar to the one a surfer has when he gathers speed (provided there is enough wind) and skim 'on top of' the waves.
It is this sensation of 'flow' which hopefully will keep me going during the second half - I want more of it and I want it longer ...

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